Here we are!

December 28, 2007

ok, I am ready to unveil our new site. Aidan’s mom is the best and smartest person in the world and helped me fix my numberous mistakes, and got me up and running.

I’ll work on some updates this weekend. Christmas kept us really busy, but it’s time to resume blogging.

Please change our address to in your favorites! — Because of course we are in your favorites.

See ya there!


December 13, 2007

Thanks to one awesome mommy I am on my way to having my own website. In the coming days (I think) I will no longer be using wordpress to host my site. Although they have done a great job in getting me going, I am ready to graduate to my own dot com name! Woo hoo!

Stay tuned!

Up’s and downs

December 12, 2007

Brie seemed to be feeling better, but has continued to have diarrhea. Last night after I fed her some banana’s she threw that up also….then Hank started and was sick all night long. Ick. I hate having sick kids.

Brie’s second tooth popped out right next to her first. She’s no longer my toothless wonder  🙂

Feeling Better

December 11, 2007

Well, after a lot of vomiting and diarrhea Brie is feeling much better. Her appetite is still not what it usually is, but it appears she is on the mend.

Morning Explosions!

December 10, 2007

Last night Brie went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 6:30am. A full good night of sleep… I was super excited that she slept a full 10 hours.

~That was then. Now I am not as excited. My little girl has a mild fever, has EXPLOSIVE diarrhea, and projectile vomits anything she eats.

I’m waiting for a call back from the doctor, but for now all I can say is: ICK!

Seven Months Old

December 8, 2007

Today Brie is seven months old. The last month has been filled with many “firsts.” Brie is now a master at holding her bottle by herself and over the past month experienced: a first time on a plane, first Thanksgiving, first earrings, and today we are proud to announce a first tooth!

Brie has handled the teething experience very well. No tylenol needed…. just plenty of toys to chew on. Hopefully her other teeth will be this easy.

She is now sitting up, unassisted, like a pro. She rolls and scoots(in circles), but still isn’t much of a crawler. She loves to stand and will take about 4 steps when you hold her fingers. The last few days she has been constantly babbling things like “da-da-da” and “ba-ba-ba.” She gets so excited when Ron talks to her and plays with her. I wouldn’t be suprised if daddy or dada is her first word, but that is still  a while away! I know she loves me, but she gets so excited everytime she see’s dad!

She is now into her 6 month old clothes. At an appointment about two weeks ago she was just over 14#. Brie still does not have much hair, but the hair that she does have is starting to get a little thicker, I think that she is a little sensitive about it. Yesterday a friend was talking to her about her hair (or lack of) and she burst into tears. Ha ha ha!

This morning she played with an 11 month old little girl. It’s amazing how different they are. I was in awe sitting there watching them knowing how fast she would grow over the next few month. It was not that long ago that she couldn’t sit up, or even hold her bottle for that matter. It’s amazing how fast they grow!


December 7, 2007

~ What can I say???

Starting a load of laundry and about to vacuum… whoopee!!!!!!

108 hours and counting!

December 7, 2007

Power and smiles have returned to the majority of Astorians. With the exception of my house, ok – my neighborhood. We are still without power, but I have it at work and and one of my favorite coffee shops.

At this moment I am VERY happy that we didn’t get any venison while we were in Alaska, and that we didn’t come home with any fish. Today I will be throwing the contents of both of my freezers away. Last night I broke down and opened one to retrieve venison burger meat. To my joy and elation, I didn’t have to thaw anything out. The temp in the freezer was a balmy 37 degrees, so as I see it, it’s contents are almost gone. I can’t refreeze them…

The guys from Ron’s shop (and their families) came over last night. We gave away as much as we could. I’ll keep you posted in regard to when we get power!

The hungry eat themselves

December 6, 2007

For my loyal readers… ok, so everyone is not as much of a sissy as I sometimes think. Today is Thursday. We have not had power since Sunday, and still don’t. There is no idea of when we will have it back. It could still be a few days, we’ll just have to wait and see.

A few local businesses have gotten power restored: Safeway, Costco, Fred Meyer. Some of the businesses that have powere are also fortunate enough to have WI-FI, so I am able to escape for a hot cup of coffee and check my loaded inboxes!

We asre doing quite well. We have a gas fireplace, which equals heat. We also have a gas water heater = hot water. Being in the dark isn’t so bad. We have candles, flashlights, and lanters.

A trip to Safeway is now an exciting people watching event. It’s hillarious to see the things that people buy when they have no power. The store shelves are now stripped of “essentials” such as beer, soda, and chips. Ha ha ha!!!

Hopefully we’ll get power again soon! Ron has been working endless hours rescuing people trapped by flood water, elderly out of medication and trapped in their homes due to down trees and powerlines. It’s ugly!

Only in Astoria

December 2, 2007

Tonight on the 5:00pm news they announced the school in Astoria is cancelled tomorrow.

For the record, I grew up in Southeast Alaska. In the 12 years I attended school in the lovely Sitka School District I NEVER had a “snow day” or day when school was cancelled for weather. Obviously I am still a little bitter about this.

Tomorrow school is being cancelled due to the high wind advisory – up to 100 MPH. The power went out 6-7 times today (once while writing this). We’ll see what tomorrow brings since it’s only supposed to get worse.