If men had babies…

September 3, 2007

~I would probably have gotten a DNA test by now to ensure that my daughter is gentically mine. It might possibly be worse, that I am the one that carried her, I do know she is mine, and yet people still seem to think that the little one is the offspring of Ron and one of my best friends.

It’s slightly humerous if you are secure in your marriage and look at the big picture. Years ago when we moved to Astoria Hank and Matt became instant friends through football and school. You would be shocked to see that Linda (Matt’s mom) looks VERY much like Nistassa and Hank’s (biological) mom. ~Really, even Nistassa noticed.  

It gets worse… A couple of years ago Dan and Linda (Matt’s parents, our friends) take Hank to church with them after a sleep over. People were shocked that they hadn’t realized they had four children, church-goers thought they only had three. When Ron and I took Matt camping last summer for a week everyone assumed the two were brothers.

Could it get worse? Oh sure… So Ron and I (along with the kids) go out to dinner with Dan and Linda (and their three kids). The waitress assumes that Ron and Linda are married and that Hank, Ally (8 years old), Mikey (4 years old), and Brie (3 months old) are theirs. Dan and I got off lucky with Matt being our only child. Interesting how she chose to divide our families for us. It’s slightly sick.

~And the stories go on… Saturday at Safeway Brie and I run into Linda and the three children. The baby starts crying, so I am holding her attempting to comfort her when a store employee comes over… looks and me, Linda, and all the kids… Asks Linda how old her baby is…. and then asks Ally and Mikey if they love their baby sister. Let me add again, I WAS HOLDING MY BABY, and she still is “assigned” to Linda. It’s a good thing I love Linda so much!!!! She can be my kids “other mom” any day!