I am a believer

September 14, 2007

…in Tylenol. I may actually buy stock in the company. I’ll check into that this evening.

Today Brie went in to her favorite doc, Dr. Baxter, for her 4 month check up. She is 12# 2 oz and 23.5 inches long. He said that she is very strong for her age and “has a beautifully shaped head.” -Now that’s my little girl!!! He said that her eye color shouldn’t change after this point. No more changing? If you all remember, I prayed throughout my pregnancy for my little girl to have her daddy’s bright blue eyes… in the sun the look blue-ish, but come on, who are we kidding, they are a really pretty slate grey color. Huh? Ron has blue, I have green… uh… grey? DNA samples anyone???? Don’t worry yet, my great-grandma had slate grey eyes. She passed away on my birthday in 2006, and I miss her. Anyway, Brie got three shots (I hated that part), and thanks to some Tylenol seems to be doing good now!

I did forget to share some exciting news with you all… During Hank’s first week at school they did a bunch of testing to determine skills and abilities in subjects like math, reading, and writing. Hank, our 6th grader (has already skipped up one grade level), tested into 8th grade reading and writing. He also did so well on math that Monday (with our permission) they put him into a class combined with 7th and 8th graders for pre-algebra and algebra. It means homework everynight, and a little extra work (thank God I brushed up on my math skills in college). He is doing great in it and we are VERY proud of our little man. Only two sixth graders are in the new combo math class. 2 kids/16 kids = 1/8 of the 6th grade class = 12% of the kids are in the “advanced class.” See, I can do math too! Hank said that when he walked into the new math class a kid from voilin looked at him and said, “What? You’re smart?” Hank replied, “Yup!” Way to go kiddo!

Tomorrow is football in Seaside, I’ll share pictures (and hopefully a video) from the game tomorrow night!