My Mom

September 18, 2007

I try to be a good mom to my kids, and I think that I do a good job. I learned from the best. My mom is/was a great mom. I frequently think back to my childhood and all of the things that she did for us, sacrifices that she made for us. There are so many things that I never said “Thank You” for, but should have. My mom has truly always been one of the most giving people that I know. When you are a kid and have no real concept of time or money it’s so easy to take things for granted, I did. My mom worked hard both inside and outside of the home to make sure that we had things. Back then I did not understand the dynamics of being a mom trying to juggle work, kids, bills, the world. I can’t say that I fully understand it now. I am lucky enough to have a great husband and great kids. My mom had one great kid (me), we won’t elaborate about my little brother right now. Ha ha ha. So we were not quite perfect… I still remember chasing eachother with knives around the house, *possibly* using a sibling as target practice, ouch! My mom went without to make sure that we had things that we needed, and even things that we wanted. Somehow she did it all. I tried to help out, I remember being in 4th grade declaring to her that I would have dinner ready when she got home from work. Do you know how much that must have scared her? The thought of a 4th grader in the kitchen? I’m willing to bet she made it home in record time that day…. lucky her, I’d whipped up a nice bowl of cereal for dinner, once in a while I’d even make us a tv dinner… and marshmellows covered in chocolate sauce for dessert — Not bad for a 10 year old.

Thanks mom! – For everything you did for us, and for teaching me to be a good mom! I love you!