Flying high

September 4, 2007


Ron looks so much cuter in all his flight stuff than I do… What do you think of my new look?

I accomplished the greatest feat of the year. I got to go flying in a Coast Guard helicopter. I didn’t have to make a report of being in distress or anything like that. I wrote a letter to the air station here asking for assistance for a NOAA grant that we got. We are locating derelict crab gear and then removing the pots.

It was a great… I thought that I was going to puke a few times (that wasn’t the great part). We did a lot of work, got called on two medivacs, and ended up making it back to the station on fumes (almost out of gas).

All in all it was a good day and if was awesome to really see what a day at work is REALLY like for my spouse.